1. Don’t restrict yourself…
Chatting someone up can be carried out anywhere; it isn’t restricted to bars and clubs
2. Ask ask ask…
Ask a question. This shows you are interested in them and if they respond positively the situation will have been a success.
3. Interested? Maybe not…
If you get the vibe the person you are talking too isn’t interested, don’t outstay your welcome. Be polite and walk away.
4. No cheese, please…
Try to avoid cheesy chat up lines. Very few people can get away with using them.
5. Quit while you’re ahead…
If you have had a successful chatting up moment, don’t stay until it becomes awkward. Try to leave the situation when it’s going well.
6. Read the mood…
Reading the mood of someone you wish to chat up is very important. The sooner you can make this judgement the better.
7. Practise makes perfect…
Practise your chatting up skills regularly. The more you practise, the better you will become.
8. Your number is?
If you are chatting to someone and it’s going well, don’t miss the opportunity to ask for a phone number.
9. Careful now…
Don’t misread someone being polite as them being interested in you. Try to look for other signs which could be signs of flirting.
10. Confidence is key…
Confidence is the key to successful chatting up moments. As you practise your chatting up skills, you will become more confident and you won’t hesitate when approaching someone.